Tuesday, March 13, 2012

"A SIGN"...

I missed my best sign opportunity this morning...
so this "here's your sign - you blew it" moment is for me...
I was driving down Broadway this morning and
there was a sign that said - "Caution
Chain Gang Working - DO NOT STOP"
and about 8 black and white clad prisoners were
were hoe-ing weeds, all chained together at the ankles...yikes!
I didn't have my camera and probably would of been in trouble
any way if I tried to take pictures so just as well.

Next best...
Here is a sign Hoke has in his office from
his working "baseball" days...however -
I LOVE  baseball season and am
so excited it's starting. YAY!


  1. that picture of the chain gang would have been stinkin' funny, but I'm glad you didn't risk your life for this blog post.......

  2. Over the years, there have been too many good signs to count! Love them all! (P.S. between fires & chain gangs, you're busy sneaking pictures...)
