Friday, March 9, 2012


My guest bedroom had this very RED
wall, which I loved 7 years not so much! mentioned, I finally painted and here's
the new (ever so popular) aqua,
with my fun vintage headboard and pillows...

another little view of the "hankie" window,
and my yo-yo quilt (2055 little fabric yo-yo's, to be exact!)

also had this great old dresser that I stripped -

and repainted, much better...

and not done yet... here was a very
RED and messy closet...

now more organized - and less RED!
I love the color red just not {{RED}}.


  1. Love it....I love red too....but within reason!! I'd be a guest in that cute room any time!!

  2. Those pics are so cute! I'm slapping those on Pinterest! :]

  3. I love your hankies!!!!

    You reminded me of that commercial where the girl says purple in a higher voice and in the deeper voice when telling the paint guy what shade of purple she wanted.......
    I do like red but I LOVE LOVE LOVE PINK!!!!!

    Your home is too cute! LOVE the dresser!!!

  4. Gotta'say that I LOVE the new one BEST!
