Thursday, March 22, 2012

Kitchen sink...

Here is my KITCHEN SINK...
got it at a salvage yard...

Old and chippy - just like I like it!

Here is another old yellow porcelin KITCHEN SINK
that is in the rental house...who has yellow any more?

This KITCHEN SINK came from an alley in Wyoming
that Trent and Hoke {{retreived}} one night
and we brought it all the way home.
It's now the bathroom sink in the rental - love it!

And my favorite...
Houston buddy when he was just
a little guy enjoying bathtime in the KITCHEN SINK ;)

(I'm realizing that nothing I have is normal???)


  1. I think they are ALL fantastic! You make everything so dang cute and fun - I'll take that kind of normal any time!

  2. You're right, YOUR normal isn't normal-- but it's dang cute! And [baby] Houston buddy is the best part of this post :)

  3. I love your style, so cute!!! Love all the chippy, shabby stuff and when you put your spin on it it's ever cuter!! Nothing is better than a little bare bottom in the sink either!!
