Saturday, May 5, 2012

All dolled up...

As most of you know
we have lots of birds around here...

We have fake birds in old birdcages...

We have real birds in the outside aviary... 

We finally hatched a cockatiel...
we had two females so we traded
one for a male and wall-a...
a baby cockatiel
(funny how that works???)

...and you may remember the incident
of few months ago when Emily's
"Merle the bird" went to live with Jesus?
well this is the little empty vintage
birdcage the he was in... it's "all dolled up"
and looking much happier :)!


  1. So way cute! I love all your birds and bird houses. I have a few that Hoke built to that are my favs..

  2. Beautiful!!!!! I love love love birds!

  3. I agree with Sheleen! Some of my favorite "bird" things from you guys are DAD's birdhouses....I'll have to post all of mine sometime! BUT I do love all of your birds. Who else can say to their gramma & papa, "Can we go IN the birdcage?" It's awesome.

  4. I could sit all day in your yard and listen to the long as I was in a cool, shady's so relazing to me!
