Thursday, March 14, 2013


All the kids came for a "spring break" sleepover...
the boys decided to "mine" for gold
( I wish they would of found some
buried in that garden spot!)

Violet was "keeper of the gate"
with Olivia helping...
(they were actually trying to keep the chickens out)

Then the hoola hoopes came out-
Easton's got it down pretty good...

the girls giving it a try...

Houston had more fun throwing his at the dog!

...and papa?

after an attempt of sleeping...
breakfast the next morning...
pancakes and sausage.
Love you all!


  1. Aren't Grandkids the BEST!! I love having slepovers, but when they all go home this Grandma is POOPED!!

  2. Ha! Papa's got moves like Jagger! Thanks for being the best Gramma EVER!! The kids L-O-V-E sleepovers!! (& so does mom!) ;-)
