Tuesday, October 13, 2009

blueberry pie and the biggest loser...

This post is for my good friend
Chef Tess!
Hoke is on a "clean the freezer" (we have 3)
kick and lo and behold look what we found...
(the box is wet from all the freezer ice!)
So...65 minutes later...wa-la!

...and yes we ate it while watching
Biggest Loser!
Now for Chef Tess...click on her link
and check out the Autum Apple Pie
her SIX YEAR OLD SON made...shameful!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow, it's amazing what you can find in those freezers. I definitely need to clean mine freezer out because it is the hunting season and if John gets any kind of animal there will be no space in my freezer

  3. Here's my comment-- Finally, a post! Hallelujah, I'm not the only one that eats pie during Biggest Loser! Yo go!!

  4. I just want to eat pie....and be the biggest looser, cut I won't get either one! YUMMMMM
