Saturday, July 28, 2012

Good food, good friends, good times...

 We spent some time this last
week with our friends at their
cabin in Greer...

This is how close the fire came to
their place last summer...
this is looking out off their porch
and the fire was just across  a meadow
from them!

Big Harv making us his "special" breakfast...

Ann was helping him and threatening
Hoke to "stay out of my kitchen"

...the anticipation of eating this great breakfast!

It rained...

we played...

we tried to "pick" from this place...
Harvey almost got a sign from the guy, but no go!

we antiqued...

and relaxed!...


  1. Awesome! Perfect vacation for you two! A quiet cabin, loud & fun friends and a whole lot of nothing to do. Glad it was fun!!!

  2. Oh my stars sounds like the PERF weekend! I think it would he awesome to go pickin' in a rainy place that smells like pine trees......glad you got to get away!

  3. Dang....too bad we didn't know you were there...we could have hooked up! Looks like you had an awesome time. Love weekends like that and with your busy schedules, I'm sure it was just the perfect get away!!
