Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Check's in the MAIL...

My mail isn't very exciting...like many of you said!
However, I do wait for the mail most every
day...only because at our dead end street-
the mail lady can't get to our mailbox
if a car is parked anywhere out front...
even if it's a neighbors car-soooooooooo
I usually watch and be sure nobody is blocking it
and if there is I have to go out and meet her!
Heaven forbid that a mailman gets out of
their little mail truck and actually walk over
to the box!  Not these days ...


  1. I always feel bad when my van's in the way. My kids sure love getting your mail too, maybe because we don't have our own "real" mailbox! Oh, & Papa's packages! The mail at your house is an ordeal :) but I'm sure the mail lady appreciates people like you!!

  2. I've always loved your little mail basket hanging out front, just like the good ole' days. I have your address and I'm going to start dropping you a note once in a while....just because...I love getting mail!!
