Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"Big Adventure"...

We were the "drivers" for Alva and Lavina's
road trip to see the bridge over Hoover Dam
(Pics of that to follow after I figure
out how to get them of my cell phone).
We stopped in Kingman on the way to
see Hoke's cousin and his wife...
We left Kingman, Hoke driving and on
his cell phone, Alva sleeping, me and
Lavina chit-chatting in the back seat...
and about an hour later we realized that
we were on I-40 West, headed to

As you can see we made it to Vegas,
next adventure...we were leaving the Riviera,
where we spent the night and Alva
decided to take the door with him!

View from the MacDonald's across the street
where the repair dude was fixing the door,
we plead the fifth!

Stay tuned for more adventures...

1 comment:

  1. I am laughing........typical road trip with Grandpa.....taking the door with him and going the wrong direction....and all in the same trip! You guys will be so blessed for taking the time to deal with the "ole guy"!~ Look at that smile on his face.....hee hee!!
