Sunday, February 17, 2013

Grandma's step-stool...

When I was a girl growing up...
my grandma had this red step stool in
her kitchen in her little apartment by the Mesa Temple.
When she passed away nobody claimed
the I did.
It's nothing fancy but it reminds me of grandma!

I don't know how old it is,
but I'm older than dirt and she
had it before my time, so I'd say it's old!
I thought it needed a little fancy dress to
feel young again...

...complete with a little skirt and sash!
Love you grandma!


  1. That red stool has been around my whole life, but that's the first time I remember hearing where it really came from...NEATO!
    And I LOVE the new look by the way!!!!

  2. Your Grandma would like the love and make over you did to the stool. You make everything so stinkin' cute!!! Sweet memories!
