Sunday, June 3, 2012

What's on your plate...

I seem to have lots of different plates here and there...
this one is a Goodwill find that I use
for serving goodies and sandwiches...

This "Woman at the Well" was given
to us by a snowbird couple in our ward...

This little saucer and cup is very special...
my Grandma gave it to me many years ago...
I think it was her mom's but not sure...still LOVE it!

This little vintage set has a story...
when we started to clean and remodel
my Grandpa's house that we now live in...
we found this in an old cupboard outside
that had been there thru several renters
over the years... it has a few chips,
and I can't imagine him ever using it.
He was a single, rough cowboy type,
wish I knew where it came from.
I think it belonged to my Grandma at
one time and he somehow ended up with it???
I seem to always have TOO much on my plate...
wife, daughter, mom, grandma,
church calling, upholsterer, yada...yada...
so this is my new motto.
I am really trying to organize,
muck out, clean up and SIMPLIFY my life!
How about you! What's on your plate? 


  1. My thoughts went in the same direction - I need a smaller plate! Love the plates you have - beautiful!

  2. You do have darling plates!! But I'm with you, time to muck out and live simpler...we've all got too much crap! And too much crap to do! :-)

  3. those are all beautiful, thats been my motto lately too, especially since having a newborn here!

  4. Love your plates and love decorating with them too!! I agree....our plates are too full!! I need to practice your motto!
