Saturday, September 5, 2009

Part Two...

Well...all that lovely rain we woke up to
quickly turned to this! It decided
to come on in, right thru our bedroom door.
We called our insurance, and they said
oh you again, (they're on a first name
basis with us over the gate incident)
As it turns out, "good luck with that,
you don't have flood insurance, unless your roof
blows off or a pipe breaks".
So we rolled up our sleeves,
and the carpet, and started
stomping up the water
and trying to dry out.

The fans doing a great job,
hope you all sleep well,


  1. I slept well, thanks...kidding! Did it sound like a fan boat on the bayou all night or a jet taking off????? So sad, let us know how to help. And thanks again for the babysit :)

  2. Hey, I thought I did see your roof fly off....yeah, yeah, that was it! Call 'em back. When it pours!! Anything we can do...yeah sure.....3 days sorry!
